Action for Climate 2024 - Friuli Venezia Giulia



Università degli Studi di Udine



Event of September 21: AIB FVG and FIAB Pordenone Aruotalibera;

Event of October 11: Student representatives, UniUd Sustainable Working Group, Plastica Free Onlus, and Legambiente FVG



September 21, 2024: Udine

October 11, 2024: Scientific Hub of via F. Schiavi 44, Udine


September 21: Link alla pagina

October 1: Link alla pagina - Locandina

October 11: Locandina



Libraries and sustainable mobility.

Waste management and sustainable turism.

Raising awareness on waste management and environmental protection.





September 21

The event included a scenic cycling tour exploring the libraries of Udine and its western outskirts.

The journey began at Basiliano train station at 8:20 AM, heading toward the library of Campoformido. After visiting this library, part of the Friuli library system, the group continued to Martignacco.

The urban centers of Friuli revealed their libraries, passing through Pasian di Prato and then Udine, starting from Rizzi, where a neighborhood library and the Scientific and Technological Library of the University of Udine were explored.

The group arrived in the city center for lunch and a visit to the Joppi Civic Library.

After visiting the Torso Gardens, where Abicitudine organized a children's initiative for European Mobility Week (SEM), the group headed to the train station for an independent return.


October 1

The conference takes inspiration from the project "Zero Waste and Sustainable Tourism" carried out by the Department of Languages and Literature, Communication, Education, and Society (DILL) at the University of Udine, and promoted and coordinated by the Waste Management and Contaminated Sites Service of the FVG Region.

The project aims to educate and raise awareness about reducing waste production, especially in tourist areas, as well as the related prevention. It involves schools, local authorities, and tourism operators from the main regional tourist destinations.

During this event, the first results and outcomes of the work developed so far will be presented, framing the topic in a broader perspective. In the morning, awards will be given to projects presented by schools in the regional territory that participated in the competition "Tourism and Zero Waste: Sustainability in Waste Management in Tourist Destinations."


October 11

The student representatives of the University of Udine, in collaboration with Plastic Free Onlus and Legambiente FVG, are organizing a Clean Up event on October 11, 2024.

The ecological walk will take place near the Scientific Hub at Rizzi and aims to raise community awareness on sustainability and environmental protection.

Those wishing to participate can register at this link.

For logistical information, you can contact the following email: