Sustainability for Territories. From the National Strategy to the Territorial Agendas for Sustainable Development: collaborative construction of a path to accompany the territories

Eventi sito inglese

Mercoledì 23 Marzo 2022



The day will take place in presence in Milan at "Base Milano" or online from 9.45 to 13.00.



On March 22 and 23, two days will be dedicated to the topic of sustainability for the regional territories. On the first day there will be a workshop dedicated to the presentation of the Sustainable Development Agenda of the Metropolitan City of Milan, while on March 23 there will be a conference aimed at the construction of a new collaborative season to accompany the territories.

On March 23 will be held the Conference "Sustainability for Territories. From the National Strategy to the Territorial Agendas for Sustainable Development: collaborative construction of a path to accompany the territories". The event is organized by MiTE in the Project CReIAMO PA - L2WP1, in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Milan, which during the previous day, March 22 from 9.30 to 16.30 in Milan, will present its "Strategies for the implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable Development of the Metropolitan City of Milan" during a dedicated workshop.

The Conference has the aim of enhancing the value of the experiments currently underway in the Regions and Metropolitan Cities, starting the construction of a participatory path that supports the design of a new season of collaboration with the territories, expanding and strengthening their involvement in the declination of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development and in the definition of Territorial Agendas.





Click here and register.
This link lets people enroll for the March 22 workshop and also the March 23 conference. In order to proceed with the registration form you must specify which day you want to attend



Visit also the page dedicated to the workshop "Strategies for the implementation of the Agenda for the sustainable development of the metropolitan city of Milan" scheduled for March 22nd