2024 The RENTRI in the university context: management of regulatory, technical, and operational aspects
Friday, May 17th, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the training course "The RENTRI in the university context: management of regulatory, technical, and operational aspects" took place. It was organized within the framework of the Resources and Waste Working Group of the RUS Network, by Politecnico di Milano, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Università degli Studi di Perugia, and Università degli Studi di Siena.
The objective of the course, nearly one year after the entry into force of DM 4/4/2023 no.59, was to provide universities with information on obligations and fundamental elements for joining and using the new waste traceability system RENTRI, pending the completion of the framework for full operation.
The course, led by lawyer Mara Chilosi, Cassation Lawyer of the Milan Bar, expert in environmental law, and Dr. Paolo Pipere, Expert in Environmental Law and Business Environmental Management, was open to everyone and dedicated, in particular, to university staff involved in waste management.
Upon request, for those who attend at least 80% of the activities, a participation certificate may be issued.
Download the event poster here.
For more information: rus-risorserifiuti@polimi.it
9:30 AM - Introduction to the Course
Institutional greetings video by Patrizia Lombardi, RUS president
Eleonora Perotto, Coordinator of the RUS Resources and Waste Working Group (Politecnico di Milano)
Elena Sezenna (Politecnico di Milano)
"The R&R Working Group and Waste Management in RUS Universities (excerpt from 2022 mapping)"
9:45 AM – 1:15 PM - Session I
9:45 AM – 12:45 PM - Lectures
Mara Chilosi, Cassation Lawyer of the Milan Bar, expert in environmental law
Paolo Pipere, Expert in Environmental Law and Business Environmental Management
From SISTRI to RENTRI: regulatory framework overview:
Objectives and structure of the new waste traceability system
Identification of obligated parties to register with RENTRI
Database of registered entities in the National Register of Environmental Managers and authorized facilities: potential and possible issues
Timelines for the adherence of different obligated parties
Key definitions: operator, user, local unit, management system
Registration procedures and contributions
Access to RENTRI for users identified as waste producers:
- Digital identity
- Digital signature
- User and operator responsibility profiles
New models of Load and Unload chronological Forms and Registers:
- Applicability timeline
- Digital transition timeline
Form stamping requirements:
- How to stamp them
- Required information
- Possible delegation of form completion to the transporter
- Completion procedures for the producer
- Effects of receiving the completed form copy from the facility manager
- Challenges to overcome
12:45 PM – 1:15 PM - Discussion
Lucia Pampanella (Università degli Studi di Perugia)
Luisa Chiasserini (Università degli Studi di Siena)
Discussion of specific aspects and formulation of questions by participants
2:30 PM – 4:30 PM - Session II
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM - Lectures
Mara Chilosi, Cassation Lawyer of the Milan Bar, expert in environmental law
Paolo Pipere, Expert in Environmental Law and Business Environmental Management
Load and Unload chronological Registers:
- Required information
- Completion procedures for producers
- Annotation execution and transmission timelines
- Rectification or cancellation annotations
Overview of user-platform RENTRI interaction methods defined so far
Maintenance of the obligation to complete the Unified Environmental Declaration Model (MUD)
Overview of maintenance activity traceability
Overview of urban waste traceability from non-domestic users
Sanction system
RENTRI operability based on provisions in Directorate Decree no.143 of 11/6/2023
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM - Discussion
Daria Prandstraller (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna)
Fabiana Fini (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna)
Discussion of specific aspects and formulation of questions by participants
4:30 PM - Conclusion of the Course
Eleonora Perotto, Coordinator of the RUS Resources and Waste Working Group (Politecnico di Milano)

[Italian only] The Course in Pills - The RENTRI in the university context
Discover the contents of the course in "pills" in this brief presentation
Discover the speakers

Chilosi Mara

Pipere Paolo

Perotto Eleonora

Sezenna Elena

Chiasserini Luisa

Fini Fabiana

Pampanella Lucia

Prandstraller Daria
Presentations of the speakers

Il GdL Risorse e Rifiuti: attività presenti e future e presentazione estratto mappatura 2022 –ambito rifiuti pericolosi
Presentation by Eleonora Perotto (Politecnico di Milano, WG Waste and Resources Coordinator) and Elena Sezenna (Politecnico di Milano)