Capacity Building and Best Practice

The Capacity Building and Best Practices Technical Working Group continues the work that was started in the previous three-year period by the Commission of the same name, aimed at encouraging an analytical and operational exchange among the members of the various RUS working groups on the subject of capacity building and capacity to intervene in sustainable development at Italian universities.

Main goals of the TWG:

  1. To define shared criteria and methods for the selection of academic best practices on sustainable development for the purpose of their dissemination and communication;
  2. To create a context in which to promote exchange among the members of the WGs with a focus on knowledge and enhancement of academic best practices on sustainable development;
  3. To share knowledge and operational guidance on good practices in structuring and organizing University Sustainable Development Offices/Sectors/Areas.

The Technical Working Group commits to the preparation at the end of each of the three years of its term of office of a white paper on the activities carried out by the three sub-working groups (presented at a national conference and published on the RUS page).


Matteo Colleoni

Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca
Operational Contact

Marianna Venuti

Università degli studi Milano Bicocca

Sub - groups and composition of the TWG

The Capacity Building and Best Practice TWG is divided into three sub-working groups, composed of representatives of the RUS WGs.

Sub-group 1: Construction and application of indicators
Coordinators: Elena Maggi, University of Insubria and Andrea Scagni, University of Turin

  • Laura Bettoni, University of Brescia - Energy WG
  • Michele Carducci, University of Salento - Climate Change WG
  • Egidio Dansero, University of Turin - Food WG
  • Pasquale Lelio Iapadre, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila - Inclusion and Social Justice WG
  • Patrizia Lombardi, Politecnico of Turin, RUS President
  • Valentina Marin, Università degli Studi di Genova - Resources and Waste WG
  • Paola Rossi, University of Trieste - University for Industry WG
  • Flora Angela Rutigliano,  Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Education WG

Sub-group 2: Criteria, methods and communication of best practices
Coordinator: - Mariella Nocenzi, La Sapienza University of Rome

  • Carmen Aina, University of Eastern Piedmont - Education WG
  • Laura Bettoni, University of Brescia - Energy WG
  • Valentina Colaleo, Politecnico di Torino - Mobility WG
  • Laura Di Renzo, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata - Food WG
  • Salvatore Magazù, Università degli Studi di Messina - Climate Change WG
  • Elena Sezenna, Politecnico of Milan - Resources and Waste WG
  • Paola Rossi, University of Trieste - University for Industry WG.

Sub-group 3: Structuring and organization of university offices/sectors/areas for sustainable development
Coordinators: Paola Biglia, Politecnico of Turin, Laura Di Renzo, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata  

  • Matteo Colleoni - Università degli studi Milano Bicocca, GdL Mobilità
  • Federica De Marco - Ca' Foscari University of Venice
  • Mariella Nocenzi, La Sapienza University of Rome - Inclusion and Social Justice WG
  • Eleonora Perotto, Politecnico of Milan - Resources and Waste WG
  • Marianna Venuti, Università degli studi Milano Bicocca