M'illumino di meno 2022

In 2022 too, RUS - Network of Universities for Sustainable Development promoted "M’illumino di meno", the Day of energy saving and sustainable lifestyles called by Rai Radio2 Caterpillar, which took place Friday, March 11. The initiative was sponsored by the University of University and Research (MUR).

The 2022 edition was the eighteenth, symbolically the one of maturity: the scientific awareness that the planet is living a dramatic environmental emergency is now "adult"; it is mature, even if young, the generation that has managed to draw attention to the climate crisis.

"M'illumino di meno" 2022 focused on the proactive and transformative role of bicycles and plants, because both have shown that they can concretely improve the existing. The 2022 invitation, in addition to the symbolic shutdowns so necessary in the months of rising energy prices, was to ride greener and generally improving. We can improve our lifestyles by wasting fewer resources, we can reduce the environmental impact of our homes through energy efficiency, we can switch to renewable energy sources.

Press release from RUS - MUR (Italian only)

RUS Universities independently adhered to "M'illumino di meno" 2022 by organizing initiatives for their communities