Congress 2022 - Napoli
The Conference and the Annual Meeting of the Italian Network of Universities for Sustainable Development is held in the framework of the 13th INU Study Day on December 16, 2022 in Naples, at the Faculty of Architecture of the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and will consist of a special session entitled "The Commitment of the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development for the Ecological and Social Transition of Territories"
Video RUS General Assembly 2022
Video RUS Congress 2022
Special Session as part of the 13th INU Study Day
Naples, December 16, 2022
The commitment of the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development to the ecological and social transition of territories
Promoted by the CRUI - Conference of Italian University Rectors - which during its General Assembly on July 21, 2016 officially approved the agreement for the establishment of the Network, the RUS - Network of Universities for Sustainable Development is the first experience of coordination and sharing among all Italian Universities committed to the issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability of development. The main purpose of the Network is the dissemination of the culture and good practices of sustainability, both inside and outside the Universities (at urban, regional, national, international level), so as to increase the positive impacts in environmental, ethical, social and economic terms of the actions implemented by the members of the Network, so as to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, and so as to strengthen the recognition and value of the Italian experience at international level.
The purpose of the meeting is to verify, three years after the signing of the Rectors' Manifesto, the commitments made by universities in supporting territories and local communities, precisely in the year in which the process of revising the National Sustainable Development Strategy was completed and halfway to 2030, the year in which we are expected to have achieved the goals of the UN Agenda.
The year 2022 also marks: 50 years since the 1972 UN Conference in Stockholm; 50 years since the publication of the Club of Rome's famous "Limits to Growth" report; and 30 years since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. After a pandemic (some of which is still ongoing) and in the midst of a war in Ukraine, RUS's goal is to keep the focus on medium- and long-term goals, such as combating climate change, educating for sustainable development, and combating social inequalities.
Program of the Special Session
11.00 Presentation of the theme
Patrizia Lombardi Coordination Committee and RUS President - Delegata RUS per il Politecnico di Torino
11.10 Presentation (key-note)
Enrico Giovannini RUS Coordination Committee- cordinator WG Education - RUS Delegate of Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
11:25 The geography of higher education
Raffaele Trapasso, OECD
11.40 Roundtable discussion with the participation of Working Group coordinators (or their deputies)
Moderator: Carmine Trecroci RUS Coordination Committee - RUS Delegate of Università degli Studi di Brescia
12:30 Presentation of best practices on the relationship between university and territory by RUS sub-networks
Discussant: Michela Venditti RUS Coordination Committee - RUS Delegate of Università degli Studi "G. D'annunzio" Chieti Pescara
13.30 Closing: Stefano Aragona RUS Coordination Committee - RUS Delegate for Relations with National and International Networks
Scientific organizing committee: Stefano Aragona, Patrizia Lombardi, Lelio Iapadre, Paola Biglia, Furio Cascetta