Calls and Opportunities


Recruiting AIESEC, an international youth-led organization

Description: volunteer and international internship opportunities for 18- to 22-year-olds with AIESEC to gain experience in marketing, sales, and managing international exchanges

Volunteers for Education: a project of Save the Children

Become a volunteer for Save the Children and support children and adolescents from 9 to 17 years old in Italy in their studies online


Call for Abstracts: 3rd International OneHealth Conference

Deadline: July 31, 2024

Descrizione: Call for Abstracts per la 3rd International OneHealth Conference, che si terrà ad Atene dal 15 al 17 ottobre 2024.

[Italian] Impact Award - The Salon of CSR and Social Innovation

Deadline: August 31, 2024

Description: Award aimed at all for-profit, nonprofit, and PA organizations based in Italy that have evaluated the impact of a project implemented between 2020 and 2023


Deadline: 10 September 2024

Description: the winner will have the opportunity to finalize their project through mentoring activities

Meet The CSR Leaders 2024

Deadline: October 7, 2024

Description: Individual orientation sessions with experts from the CSR and Social Innovation Fair, dedicated to university students, recent graduates, and young professionals.

OREN Course on Rural Entrepreneurship

Deadline: /

Description: Professional course on managerial skills in sustainable rural development, aimed at entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs in the fields of tourism, agriculture, and sustainability


Young Academics Award

Deadline: July 31st 2024

Description: prize for master's theses on the issue of “Responding to environmental changes and maintaining a high quality of life in the Alps”

Graduation Award "Gabriele Del Carlo"

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Description: Award intended for graduates of the master's programs at the University and Polytechnic of Turin who have obtained their degree between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2025, and who have presented a thesis on a topic related to bicycle mobility

[Italian only] "Emilio D'Alessio" Award 2024

Deadline: September 27, 2024

Description: Award open to students from Italian universities who have discussed a thesis on sustainable and integrated land management, with particular reference to the role played by local authorities