Action for Climate 2024 - Emilia-Romagna



Università degli Studi di Parma



CAI - Parma Section



September 28, 2024



Val Vona (Borgotaro, Parma)

Web page of the event





On Saturday, September 28, the University and the Italian Alpine Club, sections of Parma and Borgo Val di Taro, are organizing a hike in Val Vona, in the Borgotaro area, open to UniPR staff and students. It will be the first in a series of thematic hikes that will take place in Valtaro during the academic year.

To register for the day, you must fill out the dedicated form at this link by Tuesday, September 24, at noon.

For organizational reasons, no more than 100 participants will be accepted.

An important new feature this year concerns mobility: the route from Parma to Borgo Val di Taro and back will be done by train, while the transfer from Borgo Val di Taro station to the starting location (Caffaraccia) and back will be provided by local transportation, free of charge. This is also a concrete expression of the attention to sustainable mobility.

At the end of the hike, for those interested, the local Proloco is organizing a snack with savory pies and cured meats at a cost of 10 euros (it is necessary to indicate your participation when registering).

For more details and the full day's program, check the event page.



Climate change and natural botanical and geological emergencies in the area.