Congress 2023 - Bologna
The 2023 Congress and Annual Meeting of RUS, the Italian Network of Universities for Sustainable Development, takes place on May 11, 2023 in Bologna. The Congress this year is included in the framework of the Festival of Sustainable Development, the national event promoted by ASviS - Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development
The Festival of Sustainable Development represents the largest Italian event dedicated to spreading the culture of sustainability and awareness of the UN 2030 Agenda. What is new this year is precisely the articulation of the Festival, which includes national events throughout Italy.

The ecological transition in the European year of skills
From 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Enzo Biagi Auditorium from Sala Borsa, Piazza del Nettuno in Bologna
Conference promoted by the CRUI - Conference of Italian University Rectors, which on July 21, 2016 officially approved the agreement for the establishment of the RUS, the first experience of coordination and sharing of Italian universities committed to the issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability. The purpose of the Network is the dissemination of the culture and good practices of sustainability, inside and outside the Universities, so as to increase the positive impacts in environmental, ethical, social and economic terms of the actions put in place by the members of the Network, so as to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, and so as to strengthen the recognition and value of the Italian experience at the international level.
During the Magnificent CRUI Meetings 2019, held at the University of Udine, the Rectors of Italian universities produced the Manifesto From "Universities for Sustainability" to "Sustainability in Universities."
Four years after the signing of the Manifesto, the annual conference, focused on the theme of skills for the ecological transition, is therefore intended to be an important opportunity for discussion, to share the path taken by universities to create the skills needed to meet the challenges of sustainable development and to present the sustainability literacy model and other tools, such as the GreenComp, developed by the Joint Research center, and the Operational Manual for sustainability reporting by universities, developed in collaboration with the Gruppo Bilanci e Sostenibilità (GBS).