Conference "Ethics and sustainability: what role for universities?"
Conference organized in Bologna on October 18, 2022 by the RUS Education Working Group. The event is included in the ASviS Sustainable Development Festival calendar.
The RUS Education Working Group (Ethics Subgroup) will present the Guidelines for Incorporating Ethical Aspects of Sustainability in Universities developed by the Subgroup.
The event will be held in hybrid form, you can follow the event remotely via the MS TEAMS platform
Download the program in PDF (italian only)
17:00 – Institutional Greetings
Enrico Giovannini, Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility and Coordinator of the Education Group of the RUS, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Giovanni Molari, Magnificent Rector, Università di Bologna
Patrizia Lombardi, RUS President, Politecnico di Torino
17:20 – Margherita Venturi, Full Professor of Chemistry, University of Bologna - Educating for the Ethics of Sustainability
17:30 – Simone Morandini, VVice Principal of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies "S. Bernardino" in Venice - Ethics and the Future in the Anthropocene - Lectio magistralis
18:30 – Antonella Bachiorri, Coordinator of CIREA at the Università di Parma and member of the Ethics Subgroup - The Contribution of Universities to the Ethics of Sustainability
18:45 – Riccardo Guidetti, Università Milano Statale and Ethics Subgroup Coordinator - The contribution of universities to the ethics of sustainability: the RUS proposal
19:00 – Conclusions by the Chair
Chair: Alessandra Bonoli, Università di Bologna and Ethics Subgroup Coordinator