RUS for peace in Ucraine

RUS is collecting the initiatives implemented by the universities in response to the emergency caused by the war in Ukraine.
Promoting the United Nations 2030 Agenda, as representatives of the Universities for Sustainable Development Network, we recognize the centrality of SDG16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions," which promotes principles which are vital to implement all the other Sustainable Development Goals.
Therefore, we denounce the violation of international law, we repudiate war and all forms of violence and we reaffirm the principles of the United Nations Charter, the values of the European Union and of our Constitutional Charter inspired by peace, solidarity and mutual respect among peoples. Events such as the ones of these dramatic days reinforce the urgency to intensify the efforts for food security and energy saving, accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources also in Italy.
We are deeply worried about the current situation in Ukraine and we call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and return to dialogue. We express our deepest solidarity with the Ukrainian population, the Ukrainian Academic community and the Russian colleagues who are expressing their dissent about the war and, according to the invitation of the Italian Ministry of University and Research, we support welcoming actions for the Ukrainian academics and student communities.
Signing: the members of RUS Coordinating Committee and the coordinators of the RUS Working Groups
March 7, 2022
The RUS joins the call for peace of the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) and the Network of Universities for Peace (RUniPace), recognizing that the construction and consolidation of peace by peaceful means is a constitutive vocation of the Academy. A strong and immediate diplomatic action is the only way to deal with the complexity of the current conflict > pagina della CRUI
Moreover the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) intends to ensure all necessary and effective support to promote concrete actions to host Ukrainian students, researchers and professors in universities, research institutions, and institutions of higher education in art, music and dance in our country. For this reason the MUR is collecting any kind of availability, in particular scholarships and accommodation, to host Ukrainian students, professors and researchers > pagina del MUR