M'illumino di meno



RUS - Network of Universities for Development promotes "M'illumino di meno", the day of energy saving and sustainable lifestyles launched by the italian program of Rai Radio2 Caterpillar.

M'illumino di meno was born in February 2005 when Caterpillar organized the first edition inviting people to symbolically turn off the lights in the afternoon of February 16, anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol. From this first experience around the M'illumino di meno day, a repertoire of good environmental practices has developed that have changed over the years.


M'illumino di Meno 2025

February 16-21, 2025

Va di moda

Focus on fast fashion

M'illumino di meno 2024

February 16, 2024

No borders

Focus on the collective role of the international community in the ecological transition

M'illumino di meno 2023

February 16, 2023

A whole energy community!

Focus on the growing phenomenon of Renewable Energy Communities.

M’illumino di Meno 2022

March 11, 2022

Cycling, Greening, Improving!

Focus on the proactive and transformative role of bicycles and plants

M’illumino di Meno 2021

March 26, 2022

Jumping of species!

The small and large " jumps" in our lives: from mobility to living, from food to circular economy.

The Decalogue of M'illumino di meno

1. turn off lights when not needed.

2. turn off and do not leave electronic appliances on standby.

3. defrost the refrigerator frequently; keep the coil clean and away from the wall so that air can circulate.

4. put the lid on pots when boiling water and always avoid the flame being wider than the bottom of the pot.

5. if it is too hot, turn down radiators instead of opening windows.

6. reduce drafts in window frames by filling them with material that does not allow air to pass through.

7. use curtains to create gaps in front of windows, frames and external doors.

8. do not leave curtains closed in front of radiators.

9. insert special insulating and reflective films between the exterior walls and radiators.

10. use the car as little as possible, sharing it with those who make the same journey. Use bicycles for city travel.