M'illumino di meno 2025

Again this year, the RUS - Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo sostenibile is promoting M’illumino di meno, the Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles launched by the Rai Radio2 Caterpillar program, which will take place from Sunday, February 16, to Friday, February 21.

Since 2005 - the year of the first edition of the initiative - much has changed. First of all, for example, since 2022, "M'illumino di meno" is no longer just a simple campaign or initiative, but a national day, a moment of celebration and reflection, a recurring opportunity to stop and consider whether the path taken is the right one toward ecological transition.

More importantly, however, the tone and manner of discussions about the climate crisis have changed. If in 2005 a true ecological transition might have seemed like another utopian project, by the end of 2023, this transition appeared for the first time in the final agreement of the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP28). Furthermore, since 2022, environmental issues have been included in the Italian Constitution, and since 2015, the international community has been participating in the ambitious project outlined by the United Nations' 2030 Agenda.

This year, M'illumino di meno not only extends to last an entire week but also focuses on a new theme, one that is increasingly raising awareness and inspiring experimentation with new production and consumption practices: fashion.

The environmental impact of fast fashion is enormous. To counter it, many initiatives have emerged in recent years to promote the reuse and appreciation of clothing. M’illumino di Meno 2025 aims to give voice to these alternatives in all their forms: swap parties, upcycling, second-hand fashion, and more. We invite those developing projects in this field to share them with us, and as a symbolic gesture, we encourage everyone to wear an item of clothing (preferably a coat) with a family or sentimental story to share during M’illumino di Meno.