RUS Mobility Assembly 2024 and the Round Table on MaaS for Sustainable Mobility

On Friday, June 28th at 10:15 AM, at Villa Zingali Tetto (Catania), the Assembly of the RUS Mobility Working Group will discuss environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Following this, there will be a round table titled "Digitization and MaaS for Sustainable Mobility through Better Integration of Demand, Service Supply, and Research".


At the Museo della Rappresentazione of Villa Zingali Tetto (via Etnea 742, Catania), the national assembly of the RUS Mobility Working Group will take place.

The Mobility Working Group, coordinated by Professors Bruno Dalla Chiara (Politecnico di Torino) and Giuseppe Inturri (University of Catania), studies and promotes mobility management policies to encourage sustainable mobility for access to university campuses.

On the same day, the round table "Digitization and MaaS for Sustainable Mobility through Better Integration of Demand, Service Supply and Research", where local administrations, transport operators, digital platform operators and researchers will discuss the opportunities and challenges of mobility digitization.


Flyer (Italian only)


Program of the round table

"Digitization and MaaS for Sustainable Mobility through Better Integration of Demand, Service Supply and Research"

2:00-5:30 P.M.

Transport Operators and Local Authorities  
Moderator: Prof. Matteo Ignaccolo (University of Catania)

Digital Platform Operators  
Moderator: Prof. Giuseppe Inturri (University of Catania)

Research for Mobility Digitization  
Moderator: Prof. Bruno Dalla Chiara (Politecnico di Torino)

Discussion and Conclusions

Check out all the roundtable talks (Italian only)