Università degli Studi di Padova

Questionnaire on Food Waste

Università degli Studi di Padova - Department of Statistical Sciences

Date and Location: From November 16 to 24, Online


The Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Padua has promoted the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), creating the STAT-NO-WASTE questionnaire aimed at reducing waste production and food waste.


Video Survey

University degli Studi di Padova – Public Engagement Office - ACOM

Date and Location: November 20, 2024, Instagram Profile @unipadovasostenibile

Partner: UniPD Store (IG @unipdstore)


A short video survey that showcases the lifestyle and habits (both good and bad) of the university community regarding waste sorting, to raise awareness among students about proper waste management and contribute to its reduction and better reuse, in line with the principles of the circular economy.

To watch the video of the initiative, visit the Instagram pages @unipadovasostenibile and @unipdstore.