Università degli Studi di Parma
Let's Clean the World
Università degli Studi di Parma
Date and Location: November 21, 2024, Campus Scientifico, Via Langhirano, Parma
The University has once again joined the national campaign "Let's Clean the World" promoted by Legambiente. For this occasion, the "Sustainable University" working group organized a cleanup of the Campus Scienze e Tecnologie on Thursday, November 21st, from 3:00 PM to around 5:30 PM.
The event, which was part of the European Week for Waste Reduction (SERR), was also carried out within the EU-GREEN Alliance, an alliance of nine European universities focusing on sustainability, responsible growth, and inclusivity as principles towards new models of higher education and environment.
The initiative saw the participation of the student community, university staff, and interested citizens.
Università degli Studi di Parma
Date and Location: November 2024, University canteens in Parma
As part of the PNRR project "OnFoods" and in collaboration with the operator of the two university canteens (Campus of Science and Technology and Vicolo Grossardi), the awareness initiative "Uniplate" was carried out, targeting students through the collection of food leftovers in a dedicated container.
The objective was to calculate the carbon and water footprint of the discarded food quantities, as well as to create informational posters placed in dining areas to raise students' awareness of the environmental impact of food consumption.