Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia

Scenarios of Sustainability

Università Ca' Foscari Venezia in collaboration with Veritas

Date and location: November, 7-14-23-30, 2023, Online


VERITAS, in collaboration with Ca' Foscari, has organized, as part of the European Week for Waste Reduction, the online seminar series "Scenarios of Sustainability," to discuss climate emergency, sustainable mobility, recovery of agricultural waste, protection of water resources, and much more.

Click here to check the program of the seminar series.

Alternatively, you can visit the initiative's page at this link.


Clean up

Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Date and location: November, 25, 2023, Venezia


On the occasion of the EWWR, Ca' Foscari Università di Venezia also organized a Clean Up day to clean up the lagoon territory from plastic. The central objective of the initiative was the protection of the territory by cleaning the lagoon areas from waste and raising awareness among the participants about the impact our actions have on the surrounding environment and the importance of adopting sustainable behaviors.

On November 25, the Clean Up took place in the Darsena di Campalto area, with the participation of 20 students. 45 bags of waste were collected, along with bulky materials such as ceramic sanitary ware, tiles, tires, and batteries.

Check out the initiative's page here.