Università degli Studi di Genova

Repair Cafè

Università degli Studi di Genova in collaboration with Comune di Genova and AMIU

Date and location: November 20 and 22, 2023 - SurPluse Centre, Via Bologna, Genova


The initiative saw the opening of the first Repair Café in the new Surplus Reuse and Repair Center in Genoa.

As part of the C-City Genova Circular City project, the Department of Architecture and Design at the University of Genoa, in collaboration with Amiu, organized three thematic events focused on repairing small appliances, toys, and clothing, targeting all curious individuals and repair enthusiasts.

The University has introduced this format to Genoa, inspired by the model originated in the Netherlands and adapted to the social fabric of Genoa.


You can find more information about the initiative at this link.


Swap Party

Università degli Studi di Genova

Date and location: November 24, 2023 - Architecture Department, UniGe


On the occasion of the EWWR, the student association Unigeco organized a Swap Party concurrently with a meeting on sustainable mobility titled "Mugugno Sostenibile – Mobility Edition", an event marking the conclusion of the PRINCE project (PRemialità e INCEntivi per il cambiamento modale) and supporting the imminent formulation of the new Home-University Travel Plan.

The first UniGe Swap Party had been organized the previous year during EWWR22, at the same location.


You can find more information about UniGe initiatives on this page.