Climate Change
The goal of the Working Group on Climate Change is to lead the universities' commitment in the fight against climate change through the sharing of information, materials and methods aimed at defining common parameters, knowledge, skills and good practices. The activities support the realisation of inventories of CO2 emissions of universities, the promotion of mitigation and adaptation plans, the support for the assumption of formal commitments to contain emissions promoting communication and training on this issue.

Coordination of the WG in previous terms:
March 2017 - March 2023
Stefano Caserini - Politecnico di Milano
View the full composition of the Working Group here
The sub-working groups active in the Resources and Waste WG are:
- Sustainability of the water cycle and climate change - coordinated by prof. Francesco Cioffi - Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
- Information systems for data collection and emissions calculations in use at the universities of the Climate Change WG - coordinate by prof. Simona Castaldi - Università degli Studi della Campania - Luigi Vanvitelli
- Modalities of compensating residual emissions in universities - coordinated by Prof. Michela Gallo - Università degli Studi di Genova
WG activities

Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventories of Universities and Their Offsetting
On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, the workshop titled "Methods for Validation and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Inventories Drafted by Universities and Their Offsetting: The Perspective of Certification Bodies" was held

Mapping on greenhouse gas emission inventories and reduction plans | 2nd Edition 2022
Survey aimed at defining the current state of the art in RUS universities regarding the preparation of greenhouse gas emission inventories, emission mitigation plans and adaptation plans. The survey also aims to define the extent and mode of management of university green space and the estimation of its contribution in climate change adaptation and mitigation

The carbon market and the role of offsets in climate change action
On Thursday, 10 March 2022 it was held the online seminar on Zoom platform organized by GdL Climate Change

WHY SO LATE? WHY SO SLOW? Psycho-social aspects in the delay to the fight against climate change, from daily behaviors to collective actions
It was held Thursday, June 17 the Workshop of the GdL Climate Change entitled "Why so late? Why So Slow?"

Impact of Covid-19 on Italian universities' emissions toward Zero Emissions
The WG Climate Change Workshop entitled "Impact of Covid-19 on Italian Universities' Emissions Toward Zero Emissions" was held on Tuesday, June 22.