Resources and Waste

The WG Resources and Waste works on the management (collection, temporary storage, transport and treatment) of all types of waste produced by the universities, in implementation of legislative and technical standards. It collects and disseminates, also from the perspective of the "circular economy", practices aimed at raising awareness on the issue of proper waste management and to address behaviors to prevent waste production from its origin: from the non-use or limited/shared use of certain objects or substances to the virtuous management of goods and materials in order to extend their useful life as much as possible.

Coordination of the WG in previous terms:

November 2019 - December 2022

Daria Prandstraller - Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

June 2018 - June 2021

Eleonora Perotto - Politecnico di Milano


View the full composition of the Working Group here


The currently active working subgroups within the Resources and Waste Working Group are:

  1. Best Practices
  2. Waste Separation
  3. Indicators
  4. 2022 Questionnaire Report
  5. Waste Tax (TARI)
  6. Intergroup Food - Resources and Waste


WG activities

2024 Presentation of the Guidelines for Separate Collection of Packaging Waste and Other Urban Waste in Universities

On July 11 at the University of Salerno, the new Guidelines, resulting from the joint work between the RUS Resources and Waste Working Group and CONAI, will be presented.

2024 The RENTRI in the university context: management of regulatory, technical, and operational aspects

Online course organized on May, 17th 2024 by the Resources and Waste WG of the RUS Network.

2023 Workshop "Recycling in the university setting: state of the art and opportunities"

Workshop organized on July 5, 2023 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the University of Salerno by the RUS Resources and Waste Working Group

2023 Management of Temporary Waste Storage: guidelines, focus ADR aspects and case studies in the university setting

Course organized on March 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Università degli Studi di Trento by the RUS Resources and Waste Working Group.

2023 Workshop "Disposal of movable property"

Workshop organized on February 14, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the University of Bologna by the RUS Resources and Waste Working Group

European Week for Waste Reduction - EWWR

The European Week for Waste Reduction - EWWR is an initiative to promote the implementation of awareness-raising actions on sustainability and proper waste management during a single week in November.

Insight materials

Documents of WG

Documents produced
Conference participation and others initiatives
19 marzo 2024 - Workshop "Rifiuti come risorse: I progetti di UniUrb Sostenibile" - Il Gruppo di Lavoro Risorse e Rifiuti della RUS: attività presenti e future
16 novembre 2023 - Conference “Gestione sostenibile delle risorse” - Il Gruppo di Lavoro Risorse e Rifiuti della RUS: attività presenti e future
2021 - Conscious USE, sustainable REUSE. Roundtable on best practices - La RUS per la promozione dell'economia circolare negli Atenei: focus buone pratiche per il riuso

More documents

Events contributions

2023 Workshop "Disposal of movable property"

Ms Eleonora Perotto – National Coordinator RUS WG Resources and Waste, Politecnico di Milano - The Resources and Waste Working Group
Ms Daria Prandstraller, Università di Bologna | Eng. Denis Bragagnolo, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - Presentation of the document "Disposal of movable property: format and reference guidelines"
Ms Sara Falsini, Università di Firenze - Extending the life of movable assets: experiences of RUS universities
Ms Alessandra Uni, Università di Parma - Extending the life of movable assets: experiences of RUS universities
Luca Cadez, Università degli Studi di Udine - The Reuse Portal
Ms Eleonora Perotto – National Coordinator RUS WG Resources and Waste, Politecnico di Milano - Opportunities of the University's movable property disposal practices: let's discuss them together

2022 - Urban metal mining - Industrial Visions of Circular Economy - Event flyer

Ms Eleonora Perotto – Politecnico di Milano, National Coordinator RUS WG Resources and Waste – The role of the RUS WG Resources and Waste in promoting the circular economy
Prof. Silvia Serranti – Director of the Museum of Art and Mineral deposits – LUMM - "Latina Urban Mining Museum": The design of a new Sapienza museum for sustainability
Eng. Emiliano Cerluini – Manager HSE Italferro S.r.l. – gruppo Fiori – Metal recovery in crushing and deletion plants: circular economy industry
Prof. Stefano Leoni – President A.I.R.A. Industrial Auto Recyclers Association – End-of-life vehicles: nodes and potential toward the circular economy
Pier Luigi Franceschini – Direttor of EIT Raw Materials CLC South – The importance of metal recovery in Europe for the energy and digital transition

2021 - EWWR 2021 European Week for Waste Reduction. Find out who participated to this edition of EWWR 

2021 - ECOMONDO - The green technology Expo 

2020 - EWWR 2020 European Week for Waste Reduction
Politecnico di Milano - AVANZIMANIA and Sustainability Quiz: Rifiuti e sostenibilità, quanto ne sai?
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia/Ca' Foscari Sostenibile - Series of seminars on traceability and certification of supply chains and advanced research projects
Università degli Studi di Firenze - The Age of Waste
Università degli Studi di Torino/UniToGo - "Spazzolino digitale. Un byte alla volta contro i rifiuti invisibili"

2019 - EWWR 2019 European Week for Waste Reduction
Politecnico di Milano - Progetto Polimi- Cingomma and Flyer
Università degli Studi di Padova - Come ti riciclo? Simboli ambientali degli imballaggi
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - "Le città miniere del futuro: come ricavare materie prime dai rifiuti"
Università degli Studi di Torino/UniToGo - Initiative outcomes - Video of "DifferenziamoLo Strano"


September 5, 2024 - la Repubblica - Differenziata: Anche l'università insegna a farla

July 22, 2024 - Plastix - Pubblicate le prime linee guida per la raccolta differenziata nelle università

July 22, 2024 - LabeLab - Pubblicate le prime Linee guida per la raccolta differenziata nelle Università italiane

July 19, 2024 - Avvenire - Il riciclo da record ora entra nelle università. Conai presenta a Salerno le linee guida da applicare negli atenei italiani per aumentare la raccolta differenziata

July 16, 2024 - ReteAmbiente - Raccolta differenziata nelle Università, la Guida Conai

July 16, 2024 - E-Gazette - Dal Conai le prime linee guida per la raccolta differenziata nelle Università italiane

July 12, 2024 - RestartinGreen - Prime Linee guida per la raccolta differenziata nelle Università italiane

July 12, 2024 - Alternativa Sostenibile - Pubblicate le prime Linee guida per la raccolta differenziata nelle Università italiane

July 12, 2024 - Studio Brancaleone - Linee guida raccolta differenziata nelle Università

July 12, 2024 - Ambiente in Salute - Rifiuti, raccolta differenziata nelle Università: pubblicate le Linee guida

July 12, 2024 - Cronache di Caserta - Differenziata, ecco le linee guida codificate dalle università italiane (printed article)

July 11, 2024 - Radio Alfa - UNISA, pubbliche le prime Linee guida per la raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti da imballaggio. La diretta con il prof. Pianese

July 11, 2024 - Città Studi Campus Sostenibile - A Salerno presentazione Linee Guida per la raccolta differenziata nelle Università

July 11, 2024 - Greenopoli - Unisa: Presentazione delle Linee Guida CONAI-RUS per la raccolta differenziata, dei rifiuti da imballaggio e degli altri rifiuti urbani, nelle Università

July 11, 2024 - Eco dalle Città - Pubblicate le prime Linee guida per la raccolta differenziata nelle Università italiane

July 11, 2024 - CONAI - Pubblicate le prime Linee guida per la raccolta differenziata nelle Università italiane

July 11, 2024 - Eco in città - Pubblicata la prima guida sulla corretta raccolta differenziata negli Atenei

July 20, 2018 - Canale Energia - La Rete Universitaria per lo Sviluppo sostenibile guarda a nuovi progetti, Interview to Ms. Daria Prandstraller


Università Roma Tre - “  - Circular South" Program of dock3 - The Startup Lab and Conai test business ideas of circular economy and verify their potential on the market, open to university students and graduates of the universities of Southern Italy. 

Università degli Studi di Padova -  - “CEWMS - Circular Ecomony of Waste Materials and Sustainability" Initiative aimed at creating a synergistic network between the various stakeholders in the area by leveraging not only the results that can be obtained through advanced research, but also the ability to propose sustainable cultural models through training.


Reuse AEE

Università degli Studi di Udine - – “Portale del Riuso” - Since 2017, assets and equipment have been given away free of charge to other public agencies, schools, and nonprofit organizations;

Politecnico di Milano: - - “Give them a chance” - Since 2020, personal computers no longer used by the University have been donated to school-age children for distance learning;

Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (Cesena) - - “Trashware” - People, companies, P.A. donate material that would otherwise have to be disposed of to the University, which in turn donates it to local businesses that need it.

Reuse various materials:

Politecnico di Milano - - Since 2019, material used by architecture students for model building is collected, immediately (re)usable by other students.

Reuse is sharing:

Politecnico di Milano - - Bicycle garage, run by students, to support small repairs and the rebirth of usable bikes again;

Politecnico di Milano - - “POLISharing" - Agreements for shared use of mobility equipment.

Raise consciousness and educate on reuse:

Università degli Studi di Salerno - - “Greenopoli” - LCA environmental disclosure with an innovative training method, which has also helped to encourage actions to reduce waste production and reuse.